Bruce B. Rubin Law Office

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5.0 4 reviews

Bruce B. Rubin is an attorney specializing in employment law in Troy, NY.

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Reviews and Testimonials

  • sammy tommy

    Feb 10 2021 Bruce . B . Rubin is great man. He cares about his clients and he said one time, that he would never give up this great job of helping people. He is intelligent, always helps you. Who ever says that he is not a good man is a person who is either a crazy person , or someone who should probably think before they speak. In my opinion i would rather have this great lawyer represent me in court rather than any lawyer around.
  • Chad Rubin

    Dec 31 2020 This guy will get it done
  • tommy messore

    Jan 23 2020 Bruce Rubin is and has Always been the best at his profession. He knows exactly what he's talking about, keeps his clients up to speed and is always ready, willing and able to discuss your case. How anyone could badmouth this great attorney, loving father and adoring husband is totally beyond my comprehension. I have referred several friends to Mr. Rubin, Never heard an ill word spoken about my friend, Bruce Rubin.
  • Kc Wade

    May 21 2019 Good guy n always on top of everything says:

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