David Traylor
The Traylor Law Firm
Please Leave us a Review

1412 Main Street #611
Dallas, Texas 72502
Dallas, Texas 72502
Reviews and Testimonials
Sandra Alvarez
Feb 12 2020 David Traylor law firm was very professional and extremely quick with his service. Answered my call literally at 3am and answered all my questions. Very impressed with how to he handled my son's situation knowing he had his personal life of his own to handle. I highly recommend him to anyone. This is a lawyer who really has heart in professional field. Overall, beyond great experience.
Dec 11 2019 Amazing fast quick advice called almost at 1030pm and spoke with David Traylor. Very knowledgeable and seems ready for the task..
Tami Golden
Oct 02 2019 Excellent service, understanding and kind! He was able to get done in less than an hour what had taken me 6+ with everyone else, and it was 2am. I definitely hope I’m not in a situation like this again, but if I am I will for sure call David!
Alexis Castillo
Sep 20 2019 David Traylor is definitely the BEST! My whole experience was GREAT! No complaints, will definitely come back if needed! But let’s hope not! ??
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The Traylor Law Firm
The Traylor Law Firm