Jonathan Fine at Fine & Deo
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3100 Steeles Ave. W., Suite 300
Vaughan, Ontario, Canada L4K 3R1
Vaughan, Ontario, Canada L4K 3R1
Fine & Deo provides expert legal advice and representation on many important issues in the ever-changing area of condo law to hundreds of condo corporations located throughout Ontario. The firm often acts as counsel to major law firms and business corporations with respect to complicated matters involving condominium development and general condominium law. The firm is also regularly consulted by clients and industry leaders regarding matters that are new in the field of condominium law.
Reviews and Testimonials
david usher
Feb 20 2019 These guys are the best!! I had hired a small law firm to deal with a issue at my building since I am an appointed director and I got no reply whatsoever so my smaller law firm basically said you should call the big guys in Fine and Deo! So i did exaxtly that! and within 2 days i had a reply and after 4 more days everything was taken care of! I would never use a anyone when it comes to condo law but these guys! five star all the way! David
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Contact Jonathan Fine at Fine & Deo