Joseph Self at The Law Office Of Joseph Self
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6301 State Hwy 45 c
Fort Smith, AR 72916
Fort Smith, AR 72916
Joseph Self is an attorney with an office in Fort Smith, Arkansas. His practice is primarily in western Arkansas. Self handles criminal defense matters, as well as personal injury, divorce / family law cases, disability and other civil matters. He is also certified by the Arkansas Supreme Court to be a mediator in civil and family matters.
Reviews and Testimonials
Justin M Parvin
- Mar 29 2023 He is a very good guy and has the best interest of everyone involved
Joseph Self
- Jan 24 2021 I'm just putting this here to let everyone know that this office is now closed. I am now an administrative law judge, and can not handle matters for private clients. It's been real, it's been fun, and some days, it was real fun. Thanks to all my clients over the years!
Todd Hales
- Jan 14 2018 Professional, courteous and extremely competent attorney. Highly recommended.
Johnetta Underwood
- Jan 14 2018 Joey is very thorough; he has represented me well.
Amy Burns
- Oct 23 2017 Excellent lawyer. He went above & beyond for me. He always does. Kind & Christian man. I highly recommend him to anyone. Especially anyone dealing with custody issues.
Cindy Bernard
- Oct 17 2017 You have been there for my family for more years than I can count. The outcomes have always met or exceeded my expectations, and I am glad to call you friend.
Trey Caster
- Oct 17 2017 Joseph is an excellent attorney and I highly recommend his services!
Thomas Pronesti
- Sep 26 2017 Joe is a featured attorney on and we highly recommend his services.
james gann
Nov 03 2019 Great person
Marc W
Feb 04 2019 Mr Self helped get my car back from the Police dept after it was seized because of reasons beyond my control. I did not get all of my property back , but at least the car was returned. I live overseas and he did a good job overall of representing my interests.
Janelle Waterman
Feb 21 2018
Billy Coleman
Oct 27 2017 Small firm.personable counsel
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Contact Joseph Self at The Law Office Of Joseph Self